CIS onsite: All services onsite, all the time.
We are a national company so no matter where you are, CIS onsite is there.
We provide all our services 24/7 because if your company doesn’t shut down, your injury prevention and rehabilitation services shouldn’t either. We offer a one-stop-shop for all your injury prevention and rehabilitation needs, except you don’t have to make a stop, we come to you.
Client Testimonials

We have been partnering with CIS (Comprehensive Industrial Services) for over 15 years. The partnership with CIS, has been proven to be a solid business decision. Having this partnership, has saved our manufacturing company, our Employees’ and our WC carrier; time and money by working on-site around our schedules , eliminating the additional liability of travel and provided our manufacturing company with personal one on one time with the Therapist’s with any concerns/issues that could arise with the Employee through their recovery.

“I want to express my thanks for the Early Intervention Program services that CIS onsite provided to our company Screen Company, Inc. This year was the safest year in over a decade at our company. The services of CIS onsite were, in my opinion, a contributing factor in achieving these results. In this first year, we experienced fewer MSD injuries and those that we did incure were less in severity. I am looking forward to continuing our relationship with CIS onsite for many years to come.”